TS-FLOW™ wet storage development projects are led and delivered by Offshore Solutions Group, working in collaboration with delivery partners such as HR Wallingford and FLOW developers, globally to solve the challenge of temporary storage during the full FLOW project lifecycle.
The successful delivery of FLOW projects to meet these goals requires a significant upscaling of the supply chain, ports, facilities, infrastructure, and skills development, both to meet target dates and to meet local content ambitions.
These are very large marine assets and the physical space requirements required at every stage of the FLOW fabrication, assembly, integration & installation are significant. Early-stage studies conducted by Offshore Solutions Group and various research bodies, have confirmed that there are no ports or facilities in Europe capable today or indeed in the next ten years of delivering a utility scale FLOW development on a single site.
While developing practical project execution (delivery) plans for FLOW developers, Offshore Solutions Group quickly identified that a key and much overlooked requirement for successful delivery is the need to temporarily store FLOW units afloat once they have been assembled and launched, either with or without the Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) integrated.