Advisory Services
We understand that at times you need to access or lean on specialist technical or commercial experience & expertise to solve a particular challenge or grasp an opportunity.
Working under MSAs and confidentiality agreements our team undertake specific assignments or become an integral part of your team.
We provide practical FLOW expertise & experience, helping you de-risk and deliver developments.
We provide a range of general consultancy services including;
- Supply/demand assessments
- Market access guidance
- Market development assessments
on behalf of developers, partners, contractors and financiers. These cover entire development projects and/or specific areas of concern or constraint; globally, regionally, nationally and locally.
We provide packaged advisory services covering the following;
- Strategic, technical & commercial advisory
- M&A support
- Partner due diligence
- Risk mitigation strategies
Ensuring opportunities are maximized and risks managed during evaluation and preparation.
We provide dedicated support for projects and developments including;
- Procurement planning
- Supplier identification & selection
- Project execution planning
- Pre-installation logistics & planning
- Installation planning
- Fabrication industrialization planning
Providing practical solutions that move projects and development opportunities forward with pace and rigour.