
Delivering in a changing world

Technical and Commercial Partners

To deliver industrialized solutions for offshore wind developments, moorings & anchoring foundations requires a large and diverse team of technical and commercial specialists; from geophysical and geotechnical experts, to vessel and logistics management specialists, as well as legal and commercial support.

To maximize delivery and minimize costs, we have formed technical partnerships with a number of globally recognized specialists; all offering leading edge services in their respective disciplines.

This unique partnership model provides competency coverage through lean systems: mirroring industrialization development in offshore wind farm procurement and planning.

Local Delivery Partners

Successful offshore floating wind developments are literally connected to their local communities. We believe this connection starts before the electricity flows and firmly ensconces the principle of maximizing local content.

We match our global expertise, unique experience and specialist equipment with local partners who provide vessels, quay side facilities and support services.

Our partnership model reduces international travel, lessens transshipment and reduces risks, at the same time, positively impacts the environment.