Safe Anchorage

Across the UK there are several potential FLOW-Park Safe Anchorages under development with #9 potential locations supporting Scotland and #6 potentially supporting England & Wales for the Celtic Sea that are under advanced evaluation and assessment. Only the best will progress to a fully developed FLOW-Park Safe Anchorage.

Of these #15, a joint development in Scotland is the most advanced development with licence applications submitted and advanced technical studies underway. These are to be followed by detailed environmental permitting and stakeholder & public consultations within an expansive 6-yr development plan

The joint FLOW-Park Safe Anchorage development is pioneering, with a growing list of ‘firsts’ as it progresses on its development path.

  • First & only UK-wide mapping & assessment specifically for safe anchorage
  • First specific safe anchorage site assessment process
  • First seabed license application exclusively for safe anchorage
  • First marine license specifically for safe anchorage development
  • First safe anchorage specific Management & Control System
  • First safe anchorage operating framework designed for multiple floating designs

Offshore Solutions Group are working with local partners to assess additional FLOW-Park Safe Anchorage opportunities across Europe, Asia, Australasia and North America.

Register here for updates on our UK and Ireland FLOW-Park developments.

FLOW-Park Management & Control System (M&CS):